goodbye piper cat

How do you eulogize a small cat who has accompanied you for over 2 decades? For anyone who knows me, she was my company’s namesake, and supervised my life and all the things I made, took great care of me and was an integral part of my life since before I officially started my company 20 years ago. This year has been difficult; I won’t go into the particulars, but a lot of things have been happening behind the scenes that have taken time away from my professional life. Self care and cat care have been the focus of the last couple of years. I don’t regret any of the time spent taking care of Piper in her last years. And while difficult, she wanted to be here, and I did everything I could to keep her comfortable. She was active and sassy up until the last few days when her body was completely worn out. She was ready to go. She died peacefully at home, and rode away on a thunderstorm. Fitting for the tiny cat wizard she was. She was 22.
Thank you to everyone who helped out by donating money for vet bills, holding her while I gave her subcutaneous fluids, listening to me freak out whenever something went wrong, and being our friend. There are so many of you from over the years.
I’m taking a break to get my house in order, and take some much needed time off. So first off go hug your cat. Then if you would like to continue to support me: buy a thing from my etsy shop or donate to my kitten fund. Hopefully I will be back soon.

One Comment
Cary E Dodson
So sorry to hear about little Piper Ewan. She was (and still is) an amazing spirit. Love to you!