Drawing and Painting: Bird Collaborations with Brent Wear
Not too long ago my friend, painter Brent Wear approached me about doing some collaborations with my bird drawings. He has been encouraging me forever to do more visual artwork, and has been my go to art mentor whenever I am in some sort of existential art crisis. I have resisted making purely visual art for a long time in order to keep myself on a steady track of sewing, but it has always been difficult for me to focus on one thing single-mindedly. Usually, I am satisfied to make a stray thing here and there to feed my curious soul’s need to try new things. Brent is well known for his own birds, but is really an abstract painter. I suppose this is a good project for the both of us, since I really don’t enjoy painting.
So Brent brought me a stack of framed birch in various sizes, and I draw on them. When I am done, he comes and takes them away to paint them. We both like how they are turning out, and we hope you do too.
These pieces are all for sale, and will be up on display at Johnny Sole in Portland, Oregon through the holiday season. If you don’t live here, and are interested in a particular piece, let me know.
View all the pieces here. Order prints here. Buy originals here.
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