• independent business

    Why I Am No Longer On Facebook

    Some people are early adopters, I am an early abandoner. This is the blog of my business, but what follows is a personal post. It contains information that may contradict the gal you know online. That is okay. She will continue on as ever after this post. I am writing this because I have been asked too many times: Why do you hate Facebook and why did you leave? Here is the true sordid tale: It gave me pause to leave Facebook given that I had cultivated an audience there, but that audience was also the reason I felt that maintaining a presence there ate at my soul. I should…

  • independent business

    friend up! or and over-dependence on electronic devices

    since when did my business start to depend so heavily on my computer? i was separated from it for a couple of months due to a series of circumstances somewhat beyond my control. my whole life during this time seemed dedicated to me being reunited with my computer. and now, today, i am feeling the conditionality of my relationships with others on my proximity to my computer and my cell phone. when did this all happen? i remember a time when i had neither of these things, and i had a decent social life which wasn’t dependent on me checking my e-mail or never being more than 8 feet from…